Carbondale New School

Serving Southern Illinois since 1974

The mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled


Spanish Instruction

¡Bienvenidos a la página web de español a Carbondale New School!

Mexican Flag More than 37 million people in the United States speak Spanish at home as their primary language; more than double the number of those who did in 1990! Furthermore, the importance of Spanish in our culture is expected to grow, to an anticipated 43 million speakers by 2020.

In addition to the need for Spanish speakers in order to communicate with a significant portion of the population, there are many other benefits to learning the language. Studies have shown that students who learn another language reap cognitive advantages that lead to improved brain function. Moreover, language learning supports academic achievement by increasing reading skills, improving linguistic awareness, and scoring higher on the SAT and ACT tests.

Dia de los Muertos

Having second (or third!) language instruction has positive benefits for all the learning children do in school. Additionally, students are able to gain a multi-cultural perspective and learn about other people and their way of life. These skills are crucial in the job market.

In recognition of these trends, Carbondale New School features Spanish language instruction at every level. As students age, their exposure to Spanish also grows- from 1 hour a week to 40 minutes a day. At CNS, students have the opportunity to experience the beauty of the language and culture through stories, songs, games, and interactive activities.

About Our Spanish Teacher

Spanish Teacher

Hola! My name is Elizabeth Ramirez-Null, and I am the Spanish Teacher here at Carbondale New School. I love to see those little faces as they learn Spanish! I am so excited to start my fifth year teaching at CNS.

I am originally from Veracruz, Mexico. After completing college, I moved to the U.S.A. and have lived in Carterville for seventeen years. I am married and have been blessed with a beautiful daughter, who is fourteen years old, as well as two stepchildren.

I have been teaching children Spanish since 2011. As you may know, Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. By giving your child an early start in Spanish, you have made a very wise decision that will benefit him/her greatly as he/she grows up.

Learning Spanish has never been more important, and has never been more fun! Welcome to Spanish at CNS!


Email Elizabeth at:

Quantity Item Description
All PreK-Kindergarten
124-count crayons (Crayola™ preferred)
1plastic folder
1st-6th grades
13-ring binder (2-inch)
13-hole zippered pouch
13-hole plastic folder
12-pocket portfolio with prongs folder

Last updated 07/26/2024. Be sure to check out the Wishlist tab!

  • thermal laminating pouches
  • sheet protectors
  • white cardstock paper
  • Lysol™ spray
  • disinfecting wipes
  • Kleenex™ facial tissues